Don’t pay for someone to come to town for one to two days, facilitate your planning and then fly away.
Use the nation’s only credit union-centric strategic planner…based
where you are, in Phoenix, Arizona.
Strategic planner and executive coach Kathy Darwin knows your challenges, your market, and your needs, because she lives where you live. What’s icing on the cake? She’s the nation’s only credit union-centric planner,
and she’s been doing this for almost two decades.
Why you need a Phoenix-based, credit union-centric planner
Culture is Constant, Interpretation Varies
Greater Phoenix covers more than 2,000 square miles and includes many cities with a variety of cultures. Each city is unique and it is common for individuals to live in one city and commute to work in another. Companies must develop a culture that can be adapted to fit the community in which the person lives or works. Does your culture fit in all of the communities you serve?
Kathy Darwin helps you explore questions like these - questions unique to the Phoenix region that greatly impact your credit union’s market success. Other planners/facilitators simply lack the deep regional knowledge that is a crucial component of your planning session.
Communication is Priority
Greater Phoenix is home to over 4.5 million people and was listed as the fastest growing city in the USA in 2019. The big question is: how can you possibly communicate face-to-face? The answer: get out of your office! Get up, get out and get to know your employees, communities and customers. Are you managing from the screen of a computer or the view inside your business?
Kathy Darwin’s strategic planning model allows her to be in your office(s) and to work with you day-to-day. This unique strategic planning model incorporates strategic thinking, planning and leadership development. There is nothing else like it on the market.
Strategic Thinking Breeds Excitement
Phoenix is a big, successful market. If you are content with your current business model, growth strategy and focus, disappointment is in your future. The Phoenix market demands innovation – new methods, ideas, delivery systems, products, services and experiences. This requirement is not only demanded by your customer, it is a demand of your management team and staff. Are you thinking different?
Working daily in the credit union industry allows Kathy to understand the $11 million dollar credit union as well as the billion dollar credit union.
Kathy Darwin’s Model
Create a customized agenda - Kathy gets to know you, your staff, your needs/goals, and expectations for your planning workshop
Facilitate a Strategic Planning Workshop - Kathy suggests a 6-8 hour event with a lot of interaction
Develop a Desired Future State to provide a vision/direction
Document your plan in an easy-to-use format
Track Key Performance Indicators quarterly
Meet with you and your team at a minimum monthly
Update/adjust the strategic plan based on key performance indicator activity
Encourage accountability & focus on leadership development
Support the integration of strategic focus into the organization.culture
Serve as your partner
The CEO is often limited to those they can “really” talk to - Kathy is an unbiased partner
Develop Board structure and strategic thinking
Support your strategic thinking
Streamline your plan. No need to reinvent your plan yearly; Kathy will will continue to develop the existing plan year after year
Sound a little different than what you are used to? There’s a reason Kathy Darwin has been around for nearly two decades and helped dozens of credit union clients.
“Whether it is planning a strategic direction, implementing a new product or service or developing a service to sales culture Kathy has the energy and vision to bring projects to fruition. Kathy’s positive attitude and friendly personality make her a true pleasure to work with. I would wholeheartedly recommend Kathy to any organization looking to move forward and optimize the performance of its employees.”